"Eating well"
“Eating well” has always been a struggle for me. I’m not super overweight or anything but I really enjoy any kind of carb and ice cream…like a lot! My sweet tooth sometimes gets the best of me and it is really hard to not get some sort of meal item that doesn’t have bread, pasta, or rice in it. Some of my favorite things are sandwiches, fried chicken, and rice. I really try to limit how much I eat but there are many days when a salad just doesn’t sound appetizing or fulfilling. I like to enjoy my food. There are some salads I really enjoy like a chicken Caesar salad or spinach and strawberry salad, but, it is hard for me to eat the same thing over and over again day after day. My husband on the other hand could eat the same thing every day for the rest of his life.
I have tried meal planning and meal prepping but it just doesn’t work out well. I just can’t eat the same thing every day, so I end up throwing away old leftovers or just grabbing something to eat from one of our favorite restaurants. There are a few things, however, that I have found are quick and easy and better than going to Chick-Fil-A or Café Rio. It is easy to go to the grocery store and get a hot rotisserie chicken and a couple of premade sides. It’s not as good as making it fresh myself but sometimes we procrastinate too long or just don’t have enough time to cook. Frozen vegetables are another easy thing to have on hand and ready to go so we just need to figure out a protein. We usually get the steamable packages so all it takes is tossing it in the microwave for a few minutes and voila…easy cooked veggies.
My husband and I have discussed trying a food service such as Hello Fresh or Blue Apron, but they seem so expensive. Then you still have to cook the meals. I know they have options for 30 minutes or less, but I am still unsure about it. If you have any tips or if you have tried one of those services, please let me know in the comments! I would love your input.